In which or which of the eight intelligences does your child stand out?

In the 1980s, psychologist Howard Gardner revolutionized the idea we had so far of what an intelligent person was. In its Theory of multiple intelligences He proposes that there is not a single intelligence, but that there are eight multiple, distinct and semi-independent intelligences.

Do you want to discover In which one or which of the eight intelligences does your child stand out? Here we present them:

Gardner wonders why someone who is good at math is called intelligent and instead someone who is good at music is called talented. It defines intelligence as a "capacity to solve problems and / or develop products that are valuable in one or more cultures." That is, a child may not be good for numbers, but be tremendously "smart" to swim, for example.

As parents, we must make various experiences available to the child to help him discover his talent. All human beings possess the eight intelligences, but there is one, or several, in which we stand out, Which one does your child stand out in?:

1) Linguistic-verbal intelligence

Ability to speak and write effectively. It uses both hemispheres and requires the ability to accurately and accurately use oral and written language at its different levels. This ability requires activities of listening, communication, debate, reading and written expression, puns and sound differentiation.

They highlight political or religious leaders, speakers, poets, writers, etc.

2) Logical-mathematical intelligence

Ability to identify models, calculate, formulate and verify hypotheses, use the scientific method and inductive and deductive reasoning. Easy to solve problems of logic and numerical patterns.

The logical hemisphere of the brain is used and according to the traditional concept, it is the quantifiable way of measuring intelligence. In the stand out economists, engineers, scientists, mathematicians, accountants, etc.

3) Spatial Intelligence

Ability to perceive the placement of bodies in space and to orient themselves. It consists of forming a mental model of the world in three dimensions. Ability to present ideas visually, create mental images, perceive visual details, draw and make sketches.

Use the right hemisphere (in right-handed people). It is the intelligence that sailors, engineers, sculptors, architects, decorators, artists, designers, photographers, etc. have.

4) Musical intelligence

Ability to listen, sing, play instruments, to analyze and create music. People with "ear" for music. Certain areas of the brain are involved, usually located in the right hemisphere.

It is the intelligence of singers, composers, musicians, dancers.

5) Kinetic body intelligence

Ability to perform activities that require strength, speed, flexibility, eye-manual coordination and balance. Ability to use and control the body itself to perform activities or solve problems, perform crafts, process information through the senses and sensations.

Profile of sculptors, surgeons, actors, models, dancers, athletes, etc.

6) Intrapersonal intelligence

Ability to set goals, assess personal skills and disadvantages and control one's own thinking. Ability to understand yourself and control yourself. Self-esteem, self-confidence and emotional control. It is not associated with any specific activity.

7) Interpersonal intelligence

Especially linked to the previous one, both make up emotional intelligence. It represents the ability to empathize with others, work with people, help others identify and overcome problems.

Profile of administrators, teachers, psychologists, therapists, etc.

8) Naturalist intelligence

Ability to perceive the relationships that exist between various species or groups of objects and people. Recognize plants, animals, people or elements of our natural environment.

Profile of biologists, scientists, naturalists, ecologists, etc.

If you want to know more about Multiple intelligences I recommend this video of Punset and Gradner talking about the multiplicity of talents. It is very interesting.

Have you already identified in which or which of the eight intelligences your son stands out?

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