For a 6 month maternity leave on Facebook

Lately, Facebook has become fashionable as a space of union for a group of people who support a particular cause.

Breastfeeding and motherhood are no exception. We have already seen the demand for the censorship of photos of breastfeeding mothers and the request for the extension of maternity leave in the European Union.

A couple of months ago a new cause to ask for the 6-month maternity leave to come true in Spain.

It is not the first time that the extension of maternity leave from 16 to 26 weeks has been requested. At the time we echoed a collection of signatures, but we have not yet heard of changes.

Of course, I have already joined the cause that has almost 15,200 members and aims to reach 20,000. It is interesting to remember that the 16 weeks of maternity leave remain unchanged for 20 years. They have no point of comparison with the 96 weeks they enjoy in Sweden, 52 in Norway or 40 in the United Kingdom.

As we know, it is vitally important for a proper development of the baby to remain with his mother for at least the first 6 months of life. The woman, if she wishes, can maintain exclusive breastfeeding during that period and take care of her child herself without having to resort to third parties, who although they can do very well is never the same as a mother.

To those who deem necessary a extension of maternity leave from 16 to 26 weeks (approximately 6 months) I invite you to join the cause promoted from Facebook.

Official site | Facebook-For a maternity leave of 6 months In Babies and more | Collection of signatures to extend maternity leave to six months, They ask for maternity leave of 24 weeks in the European Union

Video: Facebook Parental Leave Is Now 4 Months (July 2024).