The spina bifida operated baby inside the uterus was discharged

This is the kind of news that make us believe in miracles. I can imagine how happy the parents will be after everything that has happened, just by seeing their faces in the images of the video you can perceive their happiness.

Today finally Maria is at home with his parents and his brother after being the first baby in Europe operated for spina bifida inside the womb at 26 weeks gestation, when it only weighed 900 grams being a very high risk intervention.

After the operation it continued to develop within the mother's womb, she was born on September 6 by caesarean section at 32 weeks with 2,075 kilos and 34 days later she has been discharged with good weight and looking very healthy.

Recall that spina bifida is a malformation of the neural tube produced in the early stages of pregnancy that causes serious consequences from mental retardation, hydrocephalus to paralysis.

María moves her legs and according to her father's account in the report they have made when they leave the Virgen del Rocío hospital in Seville, when they touch her little feet she shrinks her fingers like any baby.

At the moment the evolution has been surprising, and although it must continue with periodic controls because there are sequels that can not yet be evaluated as the difficulty of walking or the control of the sphincters by the age of the child, doctors are very optimistic about it.

I hope that Maria can lead a normal life and that this type of fetal surgery can help many babies like her in the future. No doubt a new hope for this disease opens.

Video: Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida (July 2024).