Milk by hand

After several attempts with all kinds of breast pump devices, I have concluded that there is no device with me that is worthwhile.

Nothing more effective and comfortable than your hands. And cheaper.

Whether you need to relieve your chest because it is very congested or if you have to store milk for your baby, the manual method can be a useful and simple alternative without the need for pump pumps.

It is true that in the market there are sophisticated products designed for the extraction of milk, but for many mothers, among which I include myself, it is more practical and reduces the risk of bacteria express milk by hand.

The most important thing before starting is to be relaxed. You can do it after resting a few minutes or after a hot shower, which helps soften the breasts. It also serves to put hot packs.

It is essential that you have very clean hands. You need a wide mouth container to collect the milk.

You have to massage the chest towards the areola to facilitate the exit of milk.

Everyone will find the best way to do it, but it is advisable to hold the chest with one hand and use the index and thumb fingers of the other pressing towards the areola.

First there will be a milk of consistency more watery and then more creamy. If you see that the amount decreases you can go to the other breast and then continue with the first.

It is true that the manual technique can be somewhat slower, but with practice you can take a shot in a few minutes, and even if you learn to empty both breasts at the same time it will help you save more time.

Video: Hand Expressing milk (July 2024).