What brand of diapers would you recommend? the question of the week

Some time ago we published a study of the OCU that compared several brands of diapers and the surprise was that they considered the best ones that can be bought in Lidl supermarkets. This study has been going on for a long time and manufacturers have been modifying designs and improving diapers, making the result different today.

So that parents who still wear diapers have opinions and references from other parents, and to know which ones seem better and incidentally know the prices, we ask you this week:

What brand of diapers would you recommend?

Last week we asked you: Do you think you have failed in something like mother or father? In which? to see what you told us about it.

Lalunatienepatas told us the following:

Hello Eva!! Difficult question! It is very important that we try to remain calm and be as patient as possible with our children. Remember that we are the greatest reference for them and, although sometimes it is not easy to keep the nerves, we must do a self-control exercise. Teach them firmly but without losing calm. Regards!!

And my cargo manager also replied by saying:

Lack of patience in the moments when I am more tired or when we are late ... sometimes I would like to have a time machine and go back to not say that phrase that I said or not to give that shout ... but it is already late and now It is said… And I try to amend myself for the next time. Although it happens again. And I would love to have more time for games and pampering. It never seems enough to me and neither does it !!

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: CVS DIAPER DEAL SCENARIO 824-831. Get Cheap OR FREE DIAPERS. (June 2024).