Baby Diary: I already have one year

I have recently turned a year, and I wanted to comment on what I have discovered lately and my small achievements. Little ones, to say something, since my daddies seem tremendous.

I'm about to walk, that's what seems to make them more excited, and let's not say ... Because it's what I most desire, walking, jumping and running with my older sister, I'm very envious of the healthy way she moves she…

I already crawl at full speed after going through several peculiar drag styles, and I stand up with support. From my hands I walk quite quickly, and if I take a chair that crawls too. But I am scared of myself, although I can go pretty well with one hand.

I don't say too many words, although as you can see I already know how to express myself quite correctly, but out loud I only get "mom", "tata", "dad", "three" ... Yes, I understand many more words and I know how to locate the water , the pacifier, the foot, the shoe and the whole family ...

One of my greatest discoveries in recent months is the varied food. I could not imagine so many different flavors and textures, I have already tried meat and fish and many different fruits and vegetables. Besides, I still drink my mother's milk that I love and I feel very good, and I don't like the water too much.

Although I started with porridge, now that I have four teeth and some teeth I have been encouraged to bite and chew. And what I like most is to take some piece of bread or fruit with your hand and gnaw until you eat everything. Well, less what falls where it is ...

The best of this summer has been discover the beach and the pool. Last summer I wasn't just a baby, and I didn't remember it either. So these bathrooms are great for me, I enjoy it a lot and I don't want to get out of the water.

I also enjoy the songs, dances and other games we do with parents or the little sister, ride a horse, hide among the sheets, clap, tickle, get on the inflatable boat at full speed ...

Too bad they don't let me put everything I find in my mouth, because I like that a lot too.

Anyway, after to have completed a year I already know much more everything around me and I learn at great speed. My mother doesn't think it's been a year! But this is only the beginning, and I still have much to discover ...

Video: My First Two Weeks Of Life - A Baby's Diary (July 2024).