Mandalas for children

Mandala means "circle" in Sanskrit and are used since ancient times and different cultures although they have their origin in India. Mayan solar calendars and Gothic windows are mandalas.

In Western culture, it was Carl G. Jung the pioneer in using them and currently we live a boom of books and courses of mandalas. In fact mtm, the mandala publishing house has more than 25 books for all tastes.

The one in the photo is “Mandala for the kids” by Marie Pre and is recommended after 5 years. According to the author "this work is directly linked to the Neuropedagogy, which tries to establish a bridge between what we know today about brain functioning and learning situations. "

In fact, one of the successes of mandalas is that they enhance concentration and favor the stimulation of brain hemisphere: the creative, intuitive and magical. Here we see a nice example:

Many people use mandalas for their therapeutic virtues: while painting a mandala in calm and with relaxing music, the person is more self-centered, performs a meditation while painting, concentrates his energy on the drawing, and finds a personal balance.

Not exactly that happens with children. That nobody believes that by painting a mandala your child will become a potential yogi, but it is another very valid alternative to coloring in addition to the typical drawings.

The mandalas use geometry and help children become familiar with the symbols while they enjoy. And then hanging the beautiful mandala at home is a great reward.

A good idea that we have put into practice is to use glitter, fabrics or different materials and make some very original mandalas that we have given to relatives.

When there are many children in your home or at a birthday party a possible game It is to give each child a trimmed mandala (all the same) and that each one paints it in their own style. Real works of art come out. In some schools they paint mandalas and then hang them from the ceiling.

In the 2 websites below you have mandalas to print. If you prefer to buy the book I recommend photocopy it before because that way you can paint many more times.

With or without mystic content, let yourself be seduced by a mandala.

Video: What is a Mandala? (July 2024).