Why it is recommended to talk to the baby before he is born

Are your partners those who touch your belly and they talk to the baby? And you, do you talk to him? Because in my wife's three pregnancies she always told me to touch her, to say hello to the baby, to tell her little things, and although I have always been a very involved father with my children, when talking through the belly I I confess: I have barely done it.

I cannot say why, perhaps because I did not see the reason for doing it, nor the need, perhaps because I like to speak in the eyes of people and not to a belly (take it with humor, please), the case is that I do not I did and now there are studies that are recommending it because it is considered positive for the baby. Why? Why is it recommended to talk to the baby before he is born?

The development of the baby's ear

It's known that the ear of the fetus is developed between the third and fourth month. This means that, from that moment, he begins to hear what is happening inside the uterus and, in a certain way, in an attenuated way, because we do not forget that it is floating in amniotic fluid, what happens outside.

And why do they hear so soon if there are still months to go abroad? Because it seems a bit illogical to have the ability to hear already at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. Well, everything could answer that, already inside the uterus, the baby begins to adapt its development to the stimuli it receives.

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What do I mean? Well, what seems to be that the sound of the mother's heart and her voice, in addition to what you can hear from outside, they have a lot to do with the development of hearing and with language skills onwards.

This conclusion has reached researchers from the Harvard Medical School, who decided to work with 40 babies born very prematurely (between weeks 25 and 32) to see what differences there were at the brain level when some were recorded with the voice of their mother and heartbeat and others left them alone with the ambient noise.

One month after starting the experiment, when in theory none of the children should have been born yet (the older ones, those of 32 weeks, still had 8 weeks to be considered at term when they started), they had cranial ultrasound to observe Possible differences.

They saw that the babies who had been listening to the motherly sounds had an auditory cortex, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for hearing and processing language, greater than those who received normal care. With this they demonstrated the plasticity of that specific area of ​​the brain "before birth", or rather, before the brain reaches the maturity of a full-term baby.

They concluded that the brain in formation of the fetuses is helped by the sounds that come from inside the mother's body and from the outside, in order to develop and prepare. And so, once the baby is born, continue to develop the ability to understand the intonation with which their parents speak and, little by little, the message they want to send them.

In the case of babies who receive less stimuli during pregnancy, development will depend more on what happens at birth, when, if they also receive fewer stimuli, they will probably talk later.

In Babies and more Talking to the belly during pregnancy is good (even if the baby could not hear it)

And what about premature babies?

Obviously, since the study was carried out with premature babies, the conclusions also work for them. Not only the mother kangaroo method is very important for them. Now the mother's voice and heartbeat can be used when neither she nor the father are there, instead of leaving them with the ambient sound of the intensive care unit, because as we see in the study, the development is better.

It is also positive for parents

Imagine that the study does not say that, but concludes that it is indifferent to talk or not to do it because there is no improvement with the mother's voice or heartbeat. It will continue to be positive for the mother to speak to her and for the father to do so, if he feels it, because everything that is communication with him, even when he is not yet born, is a good way to start building ties with him.

If the parents speak to him before he is born it will be much easier and more habitual to speak to him once he is born and then yes (also), his words have a lot of influence on the baby, in his development, in the acquisition of language and in the bond that mother , father and baby create. And you know, that The better relationship there is among all, the better everything will always go.

So you know, if you don't talk to your belly, dads, you already have a reason to do it. And if you don't talk to him, moms, the same.

Video: talk - What babies learn before they're born (July 2024).