The cold aggravates the problems of sensitive skin in babies, put remedy!

The moment the temperatures drop we warm our children more and turn on the heating at home to be warm. The temperature difference between the exterior and the interior or the dryness produced by some heat appliances They can affect your baby's delicate skin. Follow our advice to take care of it and avoid suffering.

The delicate skin of the baby

Generally, Our skin performs an important protective function, since it acts as a barrier trying to avoid the effects that meteorological agents can have on us. To adequately fulfill this function, it is necessary to take care of it and protect it with both appropriate clothing and a personal care routine.

In the case of babies, this protection and care must be even more extreme since your skin is between 40% and 60% thinner, you still have little subcutaneous fat and your PH is much higher than that of an adult with what is more prone to irritation.

Therefore, with the drop in temperatures it is important that you wrap your baby covering her body, head, hands and feet. The problem is that your face is unprotected and is exposed to the harmful effects that meteorological agents such as rain and wind can cause and cause a tense, cracked and irritated skin.

Tips to protect your baby's skin

Do not overdo or fall short when dressing your baby because clothing is the main protector of the skin from the cold. It is important that the garments are warm enough so that there is no loss of body heat, but at the same time you must take care that they do not overheat. In newborns, the maximum is to wear a cape more than an adult but the important thing is to make sure that neither sweat nor your body is cold.

Take care of your skin to avoid the dryness that can produce a sudden drop in temperatures. For it you need to keep your skin hydrated, ideally after bathing when it is still wet and the pores more open, with a specific cream such as Chicco's cold and windy cream. This cream contains cocoa butter that will strengthen your skin barrier and protect your skin against atmospheric agents. It contains no parabens or dyes or alcohol and is dermatologically tested on sensitive skin.

Bad weather should not be an excuse to skip the routine of taking a walk with your baby on a daily basis. You will simply have to make sure it is warm and take the plastic protector with you They have the most strollers. If it rains or you notice that the wind is too cold, protect it with it to prevent it from directly affecting the skin of the exposed baby.

In winter UV rays penetrate your baby's skin more easily. Do not forget to apply a specific sunscreen if your baby is going to be exposed to the sun as it can happen if you go hiking in the mountains or snow.

But you don't just have to protect your baby when you go outside. Just as important is to do it when you are at home with the heating on. If it is too high it can be very harmful to your skin since it will dry it out. Try to keep your home with an adequate temperature between 20 and 22 degrees and use humidification systems. The same goes for the temperature of the bath water. Avoid being very high, the ideal is about 32 ° C and do not extend the procedure for more than 15 minutes.

If you follow these tips, your baby's skin will be perfect and ready to receive hugs, kisses and gnats.

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