What type of ultrasound is better?

After having reviewed the different types of ultrasound or ultrasound, we have seen that there are different techniques, but based on the same principle, to obtain a more or less clear image of the inside of the uterus. Ultrasound uses sound waves to create an image of the baby, the placenta and the uterus. But, What is the best ultrasound?

In our environment, three ultrasounds (usually 2D) are usually done during pregnancy although they may be more depending on whether there is any risk, if malformations are detected or if the parents wish to have additional memories of the baby in the womb. It is for this reason that in recent years many companies offer the service of ultrasound in 4D.

But, focusing on the usual ultrasounds, the ones performed to check the health status of the baby, What type of ultrasound is better, 2D, 3D or 4D?

What type of ultrasound is better?

The ultrasound that is better or worse will depend on the terms we evaluate. If it's about economy and efficiency, 2D ultrasound It would be the most indicated for its possibilities of extension in areas that do not have this technology commonly, for example.

In developing countries, adequate prenatal control would avoid many deaths and complications in pregnancies and births, and although ultrasound is not the only way to prevent it, it is important.

However, according to the WHO in places of limited resources, the routine use of ultrasound in the first months of pregnancy is not justified. And this is despite the fact that there are studies that indicate, after the long-term follow-up of children undergoing routine ultrasound examination, that it does not produce detrimental effects on their school performance or neurological functioning.

2D ultrasound, such as 3D and 4D, is able to monitor the fetus's heartbeat, confirm the placement of the baby, measure its size, determine its gestational age, check if there is more than one baby, confirm the location of the placenta, Calculate the amount of amniotic fluid, rule out the presence of certain abnormalities in the fetus or try to determine their sex.

That is, any kind of ultrasound works for the same thing, and with the appropriate technological equipment and qualified personnel to perform and interpret it, its effectiveness is similar.

Do 3D and 4D ultrasound have any advantage?

With respect to the most modern ultrasound in 3D and 4D, more extended in our environment, neither the three-dimensional ultrasound nor the one that provides movement (video recording of a 3D) supplants the two-dimensional ultrasound, but complements it. These they are not more sensitive than two-dimensional when detecting fetal abnormalities.

But, for example, according to some specialists ultrasound in three dimensions, to show more detailsThey may be more valuable for detecting baby's skin problems, or deformities such as cleft lip or palatal fissure.

But the truth is that this new technology has not shown benefits when it comes to getting better diagnoses, although for the moment it has improved the quality and aesthetics of the images. The equipment to do these ultrasounds is very expensive, so they are more common in private clinics and companies specializing in making "albums" as souvenirs.

Of course, ultrasound in three and four dimensions will be the best if what we are looking for is to have a clearer picture of the baby, since the volume offers more defined features, and the movement of the video also brings us closer to the child.

It is often said that 4D ultrasound does not provide advantages explicit to the fetal diagnosis, but it does provide benefits of a psychological type: generally, for a pregnant woman the fact of being able to see the features of her future child with perfect clarity is a positive emotional impact.

However, in the first ultrasound, which is performed in many places to confirm pregnancy and determine the date of pregnancy, it does not make much sense to use three-dimensional technology because the small embryo or the fetus is barely visible at very early stages.

Finally, we remember that in terms of health, the ultrasound, whether in 2D, 3D or 4D, performed by professionals and to the extent necessary (although no cumulative effect has been demonstrated), do not pose any risk to the mother or the baby in gestation.

Video: How Ultrasound Works (July 2024).