The parents of two schools ask to throw children with special needs

There are two different cases: that of a girl in a school in Malaga and that of a boy in one of Pontevedra. most of the parents of these schools have decided to strike their children, that is, they did not attend classes, to ask that children with special needs be thrown out of school.

Sorry? It is the first thing that has come to mind when reading the news. When advocating by all means for the school inclusion of children with functional diversity, is this possible? But apparently it's not just that. The justification of the parents is that the children, both affected by autism spectrum disorders, also suffered from behavioral disorders that resulted in aggressions towards his companions.

In the case of the 9-year-old girl from Málaga, the parents have achieved their mission and due to the pressures, he ended up leaving school. One day, on March 18, he went to school but spent the day alone, because the rest of his classmates had made a strike for the "violent attitudes of the girl."

According to her parents, who feel totally helpless, the girl has lived a hell and "is developing pathologies as a result of this process." "The situations that were provoked in the classroom were not because of my daughter, she is not a stalker, she did not have enough teachers to attend to her, nor sufficiently trained."

Since then the girl is at home, without schooling, and there is no definitive solution for her case.

The case of the 8-year-old Pontevedra boy, the situation is similar, but despite the strike of his peers, He continues to school in the center. "The only thing they found is that they have immediate attention problems." It happens that sometimes he loses his nerves and, as he is bigger on occasion he has hit a child. "

What if it was your son?

The situation that these parents are experiencing must be terrible, and of course also that of the affected children who have experienced rejection by their peers. But I think here we have to do the exercise of putting oneself in the skin of the other. What would you do if your son were the one affected? What if you were on the other side? Would you force them to expel a child with special needs from school because it is a possible risk for your child?

The point is to find the best solution for the child with special needs and also for the rest of his classmates. And another debate that opens as a result of these cases is: do the centers have sufficient resources to attend to these children as they deserve, without putting others at risk?

Video: How to Handle an Autism Tantrum. Autism (July 2024).