Eat at the nursery

Surely for many parents, mealtime at home is a disaster. You have to chase them to eat, they reject some food, do not sit at the table ... But the opposite happens in school: they eat everything, everything and very little sit-ins.

It is typical of children. At the nursery or at school they feel part of a group and are integrated into the collective activities that all children do equally and at the same time. Seeing how others do it, they comply with the rules of the set and are not interested in giving the note.

Many parents will have happened that at home they do not eat very badly and they tell us that at school they make it phenomenal.

Leave them to eat at school It has many advantages for its development. They are taught to eat alone, to use the napkin, to use cutlery, to acquire a good posture and to handle themselves at the table autonomously. The important thing is not that they eat everything, but that they learn to eat autonomously and an adequate amount. That is what they seek in schools.

The menus are specially designed for children to learn to eat everything, to try different textures and flavors, and with the appropriate nutrients at each age.

The needs of each age are respected. Logically, the baby who takes a bottle is not the same as a 3-year-old boy who already eats almost everything.

All nurseries advance the weekly or monthly menu so that parents can combine it with the home menu.

Video: Breakfast Song. CoCoMelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (July 2024).