Carrycot or stroller: what if we stay with both?

We arrive at that moment when the baby seems to start wanting to go in the chair, although he still walks in the carrycot and sometimes he sleeps so comfortable ... Depending on the occasion it is more practical one or the other, and we do not know which to choose. Carrycot or stroller? Alternating the two can be a good way to overcome this transition stage, in which it is very important to respect the rhythms of the baby.

Can you combine the carrycot and the stroller?

Around six months, babies are willing to discover the world and no longer sleep so many hours. Going out into the street becomes a unique experience, so nothing better than starting to use the stroller. We can start using the chair for short walks, so that the baby goes experimenting.

The chair helps the baby observe more things and interact with other babies or adults. further allows you to move more freely and start joining. Best of all, you can be more entertaining by discovering the surrounding environment.

The chair helps the baby discover the world and interact with other babies or adults.

If the baby is less than six months old, we can use the stroller a little reclined, never completely since we will be forcing his muscles and spine.

We should not rush into leaving the carrycot Because sometimes, forcing the baby's natural posture is negative for its development. Although every baby is a world and some are prepared to move to the chair a little before their half year of life.

When to change the carrycot for the stroller?

We can combine its use according to the time of day. For example, if the baby has taken a nap and is quite awake we can put it in the stroller so that it can be more receptive to new stimuli.

After six months the baby can go in the stroller

On the other hand, It is recommended that during the first months using the stroller, the baby looks at his parents, since eye contact is very important for your learning. Towards the year of life, we can put it looking towards the world to live new experiences.

Sometimes there are babies who are prepared to go in the stroller and do not want to walk in the carrycot. If your child cries because he is uncomfortable in the carrycot and continually tries to bow down because he is already perfectly seated, it is a good time to switch to the stroller.

Tips to start using the stroller

The passage of the carrycot to the stroller or its use has to be progressive. That is, we must use the chair reclining it a bit. The first days we will put it in the first position and after a few days we will increase the inclination depending on our baby.

To make this transition from carrycot to stroller, complete solutions that include both options, such as the Love Motion Trio They will help us adjust better to the needs of our little one. It is a modular system with carrycot, car seat and reversible stroller from 0 to 3 years. Its chair is light, folds with one hand and has a seat 50 centimeters wide. On the other hand, its carrycot has a complete design that allows it to be fixed to the car although it also has the Oasys counter-approved chair.

Not all babies respond in the same way when they go for a walk, so having a complete travel and walking system is a practical and very comfortable alternative for both the baby and the parents.

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Video: BabyStyle Oyster2 Pushchair Store Demo - Direct2Mum (July 2024).