What should I consider when choosing a breast pump?

Breast milk is the best food you can give your baby, and as we know, it is recommended to give it as long as we can. Sometimes we may not be able to continue breastfeeding as we would like because we have to separate from our baby, such as when we return to work.

It is here when the breast pump enters our life. This device helps us prolong and maintain breastfeeding even if we are away from our babies. But how to choose one? We share some recommendations to take into account when choosing a breast pump.

What are they and how do they work

Breast pumps or breast pumps are devices that help to extract breast milk to deposit it in a container. Usually this is a bottle to which we can then put a nipple for the baby to take it or cover it and store breast milk.

Breast pumps work by sucking the nipple to stimulate milk production and taking it out so we can store it for later use. In the case of working mothers they are very useful because They help us to continue breastfeeding even if we are not with our children.

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Types of extractors: Manual and electric

In the market there are several models of breast pumps that are divided into two types: manual and electric. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that I share below.

Advantages and disadvantages of a manual breast pump

As the name says, these types of breast pumps are mechanical and work manually, so you will need to have at least one free hand to use it.

Its advantage is that it is usually cheaper and less cumbersome than the electric breast pump since this usually brings less accessories, so it offers the possibility of extracting the milk wherever and whenever.

The disadvantage is that it can be very tired to use it, so it is recommended mainly for those mothers who need to express milk only a couple of times a day or who use it occasionally.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric breast pump

Electric breast pumps are those that connect to the current or use batteries so that they automatically start to make the milk without needing you to be pumping it by hand.

Its main advantage is that it allows you the freedom to do other things while you pump leaves your hands free, so they are usually more comfortable. In addition, these allow you to extract both breasts at the same time, so speed is also one of its advantages. They are the most recommended for mothers who have to have multiple extractions during the day.

A disadvantage of this is that It is usually more expensive than a manual breast pump. And although there are models that work with batteries, some are usually very cumbersome because they have more accessories, such as hoses and connections that must be carried everywhere.

The best breast pump on the market is the one that best suits what you need

Many times we think that the more expensive a product is, the better its quality and benefits should be. However, the price is not always an indication that this product is the best for us.

In the case of the breast pump, you must choose the one that best suits your needs. The aspects to consider vary according to your pace of life: How many times a day will I use it? Should I take it with me everywhere or will I have a fixed place to pump my milk? Will it be easy to disassemble and clean?

If, for example, you are a working mother, perhaps the most practical is an electric breast pump, as breastfeeding leave times are usually reduced. I would also have to consider whether there is a place to plug the breast pump in the workplace, otherwise it would be best to opt for a battery operated one.

If you are a mother who stays at home and you only need to express milk from time to time and you think that it is not necessary to make a major expense on something that you will use little, the ideal would then be to buy a manual breast pump.

I highly recommend you search and compare models in stores and on the Internet Before deciding on one. It also helps a lot besides that read reviews from other mothers, especially those that lead a lifestyle similar to yours.

Video: Medela PersonalFit Breast Shield - Selecting the best size (July 2024).