Five little known discomforts of pregnancy

Nausea is probably the best known discomfort of pregnancy, but there are other more embarrassing symptoms, which are not usually talked about and some little known discomfort of pregnancy that we comment today.

Have you suffered urine leaks in the third trimester? Or maybe you felt breast pain at some point? Are your gums in top shape? Does your nose bleed frequently? Do not worry, they are common symptoms and we explain to you what they are due and how to prevent them as much as possible. Although it is likely that we cannot get rid of some ...

Breasts pain in pregnancy

Chest pain is very common in pregnancyIt may be one of your first symptoms or it may appear later, when the breasts prepare for breastfeeding. It is not about strong pains but of discomforts similar to those suffered by many women in their menstrual cycle. There may also be swelling or itching.

The breast tissue increases throughout pregnancy, so we notice a breast augmentation, but it does not necessarily have to be related to pain. However, it is more common a increased breast tenderness during pregnancy. The increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the body is responsible for these changes.From the third month of pregnancy the pain or tenderness decreases and even disappears, although the size of the breasts continues to increase.

Colostrum losses

This is another little known "nuisance" that happens when the time of delivery approaches. It can be an embarrassing moment, but at least it doesn't cause serious discomfort or pain. At the end of pregnancy, the breasts are likely to secrete colostrum, a sticky and watery substance, the first milk from the breasts. With the birth, colostrum production increases and is the first food of the newborn, a precursor to breast milk, which provides everything you need right now.

Already after childbirth, breast changes continue to occur and pain and swelling may return with the rise in milk.

Bleeding gums

The effect of hormones causes bleeding gums, but we must be attentive to this symptom, as it could mean a major problem. It is common for the gums to bleed after brushing or after flossing.

Also, gums are more common than red, bulky and sore, but if these symptoms occur in excess we could be faced with gingivitis that must be controlled to avoid risks and that results in periodontitis, a serious form of gum disease.

Loss of urine in pregnancy

Urinary incontinence is common in the third trimester of pregnancy, although they are usually small escapes when the woman laughs, coughs, sneezes, makes some effort ... This fact results from the pressure that the growing uterus exerts on the bladder. To prevent this slight incontinence remember that you can perform kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.

If the losses are minor, they are not important and can be overcome with small compresses. When we do have to worry it is if the losses are not of urine but of amniotic fluid: then you have to go to the doctor to assess the situation, since the amniotic fluid is the one that wraps and protects the baby.

Urine losses can extend after delivery due to the weakening of the pelvic floor, so that on this occasion your kegel exercises will also be your allies, which can be performed during pregnancy and also after delivery.


It is also the hormones responsible for frequent nosebleed and congestion Probably the high level of estrogen that circulates through the body and increases blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose, which causes them to swell and soften. Try to be careful when sounding it, doing it gently, and prevent the nasal passages from drying out excessively.

Try to carry paper tissues always on top and to control a nosebleed it is convenient to stand or sit leaning forward, pressing the nostrils against the septum with your thumb and index finger, maintaining the pressure for a few minutes.

Maybe you suffered any of these little known discomfort of pregnancy (or you are in that phase). Luckily, these are mild discomforts that disappear after delivery or after some time in some cases, with the help of a few simple exercises as we have explained.

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In Babies and more | Six embarrassing discomforts during pregnancy, The least known discomforts of pregnancy

Video: What are the normal aches and pains of pregnancy? (July 2024).