When we leave our child the first few days in nursery school: what happens inside the classroom?

This will be the your child's first year in nursery school, and you cannot hide your nervousness and the uncertainty caused by the period of adaptation: will it cry? Will it adapt well? What will the relationship with their teachers be like?

All these doubts are normal and logical, and they become even more intense when we leave our little one in class and the doors close. What father or mother have you ever wanted to look for a little hole and see what is "cooked" inside the classroom? We have talked with several nursery teachers, who have explained to us what happens to our children when our parents leave ...

"If my son cries, how will the professors consolor him?"

Not all children react the same when they first start kindergarten or school. There are those that, depending on their character, their degree of maturation and other external factors, adapt phenomenally from day one, but also there are those who cry inconsolably and suffer the anguish of separation.

When we see our son crying, we quickly try to comfort him, hug him and instill positive moods and messages. But when it is time to separate ourselves from him to leave him at school, we are distressed that he can live that restlessness alone.

Mª Victoria Gómez, teacher and teacher with 10 years of experience, tells us that on the first day of class receive the children with a big smile, and try to make them feel comfortable and comfortable in their new environment. He confesses that he pays special attention to those children who have the worst time, trying to establish an emotional approach with them.

But both for her, and for her colleague, Rocío Santamarina, it is very important to respect the child's space, and do not invade with hugs, kisses or emotional signs If the child does not claim them, or feels uncomfortable with them:

"It is important to always respect the child, because there are children who do not willingly accept their space to be invaded. Although usually physical contact helps them establish an emotional bond with the teacher, and helps them create a pleasant emotional environment "- Victoria explains.

"Teachers must earn their trust in a relaxed and stress-free way. Being affectionate with them but without kisses or hugs if the child does not require it, or if he does not like it. Because there are kids who do not accept it and you have to respect them and leave them free to express their feelings and fears "- says Rocío, a teacher at a school in Asturias.

On several occasions we have talked about the importance of respecting children's wishes on how to express their affection for others. And there are children who like to hug and kiss, and willingly accept to do the same with them, and others who need their space and time to give signs of affection.

Leave each child their space

Along the same lines as Rocío and Victoria, Lorena Diaz, a two-three-year classroom teacher at the "El Mundo de Mozart" Children's School, says. This teacher bet on giving the child the space and time he needs before joining the activities with the other partners:

"The tutor of the class has to have an open mind and flexibility to leave each child their space, not forcing him to sing, play or listen to a story, but giving him time to explore the class, classmates and everything around him Little by little, the child will be joining the group and at that moment the educator can help by calling him by his name and giving him a hug, as long as the child has previously stated that he needs it, because many times we assume that they want this physical contact and the child rejects it "

And there is no doubt that the initial respect from teachers is essential. Slowly, as the course progresses and students and teachers get to know each other better, it will be the children themselves who voluntarily express their love.

Resources to cope with separation anguish

But in addition to the physical and emotional contact if the child demands it, the consulted teachers explain to us what other techniques they use to help the children cope with the separation anguish, which occurs in these first days of class:

  • Explain that mom and dad are going to come find them

The separation anguish that young children feel when we leave them at school is something real. They think that their parents will not return, because their brain is not prepared to understand that after a period of time they will look for them again. They don't have the notion of time that we adults have, and the fact that not seeing their parents nearby makes them think that they have been left alone.

Therefore it is so important that the adaptation period be gradual, to help the child understand the changes that are happening around him and make him see that mom and dad will always come back for him.

"Although children do not understand the passing of time as we adults understand, I like it help my students with images, stories or other resources to explain the passage of time, and that in this way, the wait is not so long. In addition, it is very important to remind them at all times that their families will be waiting for them when they leave "- explains Rocío.

  • The pet, a great resource

Rocío also shares with us the trick of the pet, the stuffed animal of the class that helps him to "break the ice" of the first days. The children like the soft and soft touch of the stuffed animals, it gives them confidence and tranquility, and for teachers it is usually an excellent resource to begin to establish a relationship with their students.

"Use a pet, usually a stuffed animal, such as relationship thread is very useful. Because the pet can talk to them about what they are going to do in school, they can introduce the classroom, the school, the teachers… The children usually listen carefully, and it gives them confidence "- he tells us.

  • Stories, to establish the basis of the assembly

For Victoria, one of the best resources he has for the first few days is stories. Ensures that children love, helps them identify with their protagonists and also it serves to establish the basis of the assembly, activity that usually begins routinely when the adaptation period ends.

"Usually, the children do not know what the assembly is and the importance that this moment will have throughout the course. During the assembly, which is held every morning before the start of classes, we greet each other, we look at the time it does, in the classmates who have not attended school, we tell anecdotes that we have lived ... It is an important moment for them, and the stories of the first days are a way of creating an environment for what will later be the assembly "- explains Victoria.

  • Pleasant atmosphere

Another aspect that teachers take great care in these first days of adaptation is the classroom decorationWell, although we, parents, may miss this detail, the truth is that for children it is a set of stimuli that help them calm down and gain confidence in the environment.

"Creating a pleasant environment is one of my assets to help the children with the adaptation. I like to decorate the classroom with bright colors, drawings or posters with striking photographs. In addition, I try that all the material that will be used throughout of the course, it is always within reach of children. all these visual attractions make the child out of the loop when he is crying or scared, and put your attention on other nice things "- comments Victoria.

  • Games

Diana Ruiz, teacher of children between one and two years at the "El Mundo de Mozart" Infant School, tells us that one of the activities that she uses in her class and that has a great success among the kids is to play games with bubbles of soap, using different tones of voice, from the sweetest to the most cheerful. That moment of games gives foot to approach, one by one, to all the children and initiate with them the first physical contact.

Although the first days in school or nursery school can be complicated for some children, we must rely on the teachers who will attend our children during the course, because over time, they will end up becoming another of their attachment figures. Happy return to the classroom!

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Video: A Successful Preschool Transition: Managing Separation Anxiety (July 2024).