Obesity is related more to poor physical activity than to poor diet

The University of Castilla-La Mancha has presented a report on obesity explaining that it is more and more related to poor physical activity than to poor diet.

Obesity: present and future of an epidemic, is the title of this report where the study carried out by the Center for Social and Health Studies since 1992 is compiled. It can be seen that in general, the feeding of children is reasonably good Although there is a fact that stands out remarkably, children consume fewer calories but despite this obesity continues to increase.

The report shows that lIncreasing obesity is clearly due to the decrease in physical activityThis is reflected in the statistical data and the follow-up that has been carried out since 1992. More than one thousand children from different schools in the province of Cuenca have been studied for a whole year, whose physical activity was increased interchangeably After feeding the study, it was found that the children had suffered a decrease in body fat away from being overweight.

The truth is that today's society encourages a sedentary lifestyle rather than an active one where physical exercise is paramount. Television, Playstation, board games, in short, factors that favor sedentary lifestyle. We emphasize again the importance of physical activity and good nutrition so that children grow up healthy and free from this evil that afflicts our society today, overweight and obesity.

Video: Exercise vs Diet (July 2024).