Special rooms to breastfeed in public places, encourage breastfeeding or hide?

Of course, breastfeeding needs a better image. It should look like what it is, something completely normal in everyday life, is there anything more natural than feeding a baby?

Although obviously the answer is no, there is a lot of taboo regarding breastfeeding a baby in public places. There are those who feel offended, as if it were an immoral exhibition, those who go beyond attributing it to a sexual provocation and even those who believe that it can give a bad image to their trade, bar or restaurant. If not, let's go back a few months to remember some outrageous cases.

The truth is that mothers do not have special places in public places where we can breastfeed our babies. Personally I prefer a bank in a shopping center or in a plaza to entertain me in the meantime with the landscape. Not by exhibition, because I cover myself with modesty and whoever offends him, double problem. But there are many mothers who prefer to have a more intimate place to do so.

They are not the majority, but there are some establishments that already have this type of room. In Galicia, the deputy of the PSdeG, Laura Seara, has asked the Xunta for more help to install nursing rooms in public places, a measure that will surely be well received by Galician mothers. The rooms are retired rooms, with a comfortable seat, a washbasin and a changing table, some also with microwaves, nothing complicated to set in motion although some are true knives.

Of course, I see the initiative as very necessary, but I would like to see that breastfeeding a child was not seen as an act that should be done only from inside doors, only in rooms equipped for this purpose.

I mean, I think every mother has the right to breastfeed her baby wherever she pleases, either in special rooms or in the middle of a restaurant. The rooms seem very necessary for mothers who feel uncomfortable to love in public but that is not an excuse to repress those who do not.

Having a quiet place to feed a baby in public places is an undeniable right, but so is doing it in public. That is to say, I would be offended so much if they forbid me to love in a restaurant as if they invited me to go to a nursing room.

Video: Hidden camera investigation: Nursing home abuse, violence Marketplace (July 2024).