Childhood obesity, physical weight and psychological suffering

An obese child not only suffers in his flesh the consequences of excess weight, his psychological state also suffers. We have mainly talked about the negative effects that overweight and obesity can produce in the body, many derived diseases affect the present and future of the child. In the same way, the negative psychological consequences are also very important, an obese child suffers because he cannot run or jump like other children, he is saddened because other children reject him and also has to endure in some occasions teasing that affects the deepest of his being

We do not want to say that all obese children have psychological problems, but there is a good part that suffers. According to Rafael Tojo, a renowned pediatrician, the results obtained in the tests of quality of life that have been performed on many obese children show results that really scare, since they are similar to those obtained from children suffering from cancer. A large part of overweight or obese children must endure physical weight, psychological suffering and a good number of diseases which, in some cases, are typical of the elderly.

These are some of the explanations provided by the specialist in his participation in the VIII Congress of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity, an event that we referenced a few days ago in the post Obese Parents, almost obese children.

The specialist warns about the serious consequences of growing and developing by dragging excess weight, since the harder age will be more difficult to solve the problem of weight, therefore, we strongly recommend that prevention against overweight and obesity is carried out from a Very early age, even saying that it is done from the moment of birth, remember that children who enjoy breastfeeding have fewer risks of having these problems in the future.

All parents want the best for their children, preventing overweight and obesity is necessary to preserve the physical and mental state of children.

Video: Emotionally challenges with childhood obesity - Boston Children's Hospital - To 20 Health Challenges (July 2024).