Give birth at home, increasingly common in the UK

Give birth at home It is an option that in many European countries is normal, even in some it is part of the benefits provided by the public health service. Childbirth at home, attended by an experienced midwife and in the case of a pregnancy without complications, is safe, always advising that a hospital is within a close radius in case a transfer is necessary. Maternal and infant mortality rates are not worse in these deliveries, and this is demonstrated by data from countries such as the Netherlands.

This trend is now joined by United Kingdom, where from 2009 all mothers who are in the right medical situation, will have access. The training of midwives, already well advanced in that country, which Spanish midwives come to study today, will be promoted to get the number of professionals needed to attend them. In this way it is expected to increase the numbers of home deliveries, which already in 2005 in the United Kingdom were more than 2%.

Reasons for choosing a home birth are the greatest intimacy of women and their families, which do not leave their usual environment, which helps the delivery to develop better eliminating one of the reasons for stress. This experience is lived with great emotional intensity and without fear, especially since the women who opt for it are usually very sure of their decision and have studied the process of natural childbirth, which makes them reach it with confidence. Echoing the words of the spokeswoman for the British Ministry of Health: the important thing is that women can choose.

Video: Is It Common To Miss Being Pregnant? Birth Days. Real Families (July 2024).