Adoption from pregnancy also in Mexico

An initiative similar to the one we announced a few months ago in Adoption as an alternative to abortion, aims to avoid abortion through the legalization of an adoption system performed when the future baby is still in the womb. Any woman who requests an abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy will be informed in all Mexican hospitals about this new possibility and thus try to avoid this outcome.

Of course, this is only a proposal made by some deputies of the PAN (National Action Party) to try to reform the so-called local Health Law, specifically in the section that refers to the request for termination of pregnancy and that hospitals must attend said request. In Holland, this initiative is already being carried out and it seems that the results are quite satisfactory. Informing future mothers who try to abort about the possibility of giving birth to a life and offering the baby for adoption, helping to fulfill the desire of many couples to be parents and also about the risks that she herself may suffer when aborting, will allow In the end, the decision taken is the most accurate and always in a free way and without coercion.

If a future mom decides to give the baby up for adoption, she should ratify her decision in court, but there will be no problem if she changes her mind and decides to keep the baby. The family that wished to adopt it will have incurred all the expenses generated in the pregnancy, but in the face of the contrary decision of the mother, the government of the country itself would take care of these expenses, compensating those who would have been the adoptive parents. This point seems very interesting to us and preserves first and foremost the interests of the future mother and the baby, since changing the decision when you see your child and not giving it up for adoption is something that can easily happen.

We think it is a very important step that all countries should value.

Video: Mom finds out her foster baby is her adopted son's sister (July 2024).