Be dad

With this post today I start a series of posts that intend to be something like a "dad's course". Well, I call it a course, but it really is nothing more than talking about many things related to babies from the point of view of a dad of a 2 and a half year old boy who learned on the go and that I would have appreciated some previous indications (I mean, myself).

Obviously, I keep learning. When you know all the answers regarding your child, he grows, changes and new questions are asked that force you to know that "new" child, who has undergone a change and that makes you change too.

From this learning process, which I imagine will end the day I cease to be a father, I have the experience of these two and a half years with him, of some books that I have read, of which I am reading, of courses I have taken and of Work as a nurse in a pediatric practice. Thanks to all this I dare to make a series of tickets with tips for new parents and who knows if for other parents with more experience. Moms, of course, are also welcome.

Introduction to "Being a Dad"

Men are not very friends with the instruction manuals. Not even from the maps (if they don't go on a GPS), that's why we only ask “where are you going to Rome” when we bow our heads because yes, we are in the middle of a forest in France when we should already be in Italy and that all roads lead to Rome.

Whenever a novelty comes home we try to do it, as is commonly said, to the Spanish. First we look at it, we try it, we touch the buttons, the mechanisms, we try to mount it alone, without instructions, and only when we have broken something (I confess, I have broken something new ...) or we have really given up we say: “Well, let's see, what does it put there! ”

It is our pride of man, is that message that we have been taught since we were little: "Men know how to do everything", "Dad fixes everything", "Men do not cry", "You are the man of the family" and things of that style that make us think that yes, that we have to know how to do it all and that showing ignorance on a subject, whatever it is, is a sign of weakness.

As well. Nothing is further from reality. Now you are going to have a baby and, let's face it, you have no idea what it is about having a little person who will live with you, that you have to feed, wash, clean, teach, educate, help, love and ... well , many things to start, right?

Don't be scared, little by little. You have nine months of margin (or maybe much less), but there is no hurry. The important is get some ideas and, even if he is already born, there may be something that may be useful in your father's work.

In a few days we start ...

Video: Top 7 Tips For New Dads. Advice On Becoming a New Dad. Dad University (July 2024).