Meanings of crying

Crying is the method by which babies communicate to their caregivers the unpleasant situations they are suffering and always, always, requires immediate attention, even if we do not consider that there may be any discomfort or need of a physical type. Crying has different meanings, but always expresses some kind of discomfort.

The crying of a baby serves several purposes: it can communicate that something hurts, that something in the environment bothers you (noise, lights, inadequate temperature, a clothes that bothers you, being wet or dirty), in addition to hunger, thirst or problems in digestion But the suffering and the need for caregiver's attention may not always be for a detectable physical reason, but emotions are also important and much.

Being bored, nervous about an excess of stimuli or being assimilating new and intense experiences, feeling alone, needing hugs and love, wanting to play or some interesting object that intrigues or pleases them, all that can also trigger crying.

Crying is the signal that the baby uses to manifest his discomfort and is designed to get immediate attention from the mother, changing his physical and mental situation, accelerating his pulse, exciting the part of his brain that will look for the cause of the child's crying to comfort it, it will raise its temperature and drive it to serve it.

The crying is acute, it can be very irritating and causes the pressing need to act, do something, to calm it down. And it is a very wise mechanism to listen to, letting instinct lead us.

The different meanings of crying babies they must be taken care of, ignoring it and letting it cry without attending to it, even when it manifests the need for arms or sleeping accompanied, it has consequences on their brain functioning.

In Babies and more | The crying of the baby, The crying of the baby (II)

Video: One Woman Unlocks the Secret Language of Babies. The Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah Winfrey Network (July 2024).