Montignac: "The absence of breastfeeding increases childhood obesity"

There was already talk a few months ago in Babies and more about Michel Montignac and his book Prevent and combat obesity in children.

Some time ago I read an interview of you in the magazine Mía and I found it interesting to comment on it to broaden the subject.

For Montignac parents are to blame for childhood obesity. Already from pregnancy, food consumption should be controlled since those with a high glycemic index facilitate the obesity of the future baby.

Michel Montignac introduced in 1986 the term glycemic index with which the carbohydrates of foods are classified according to the amount of insulin they produce. Those with a high GI gain more weight. Although his method was widely criticized, in 1997 WHO started recommending this method To fight obesity.

Childhood obesity in Spain is a reality and a true epidemic in health centers. Only 15% of the children were obese 15 years ago. Now they are 16%.

Another of the relevant factors in the increase in childhood obesity is the absence of breast milk and its replacement by artificial milk: "Artificial milk has brought with it an increase in obesity, type 1 diabetes, a greater sensitivity to viral infections, a greater sensitivity to allergies and, is not yet proven, but serious hypothetical risks in the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases "says Montignac.

The problem with artificial milks is that "They make them with cow's milk proteins. The human organism is not prepared to digest them and these have long-term side effects in humans. "

Montignac also criticizes in his book the famous bottle of before bedtime so that the child "hold on more" since it is a bottle based on "dairy flours, unnecessary for growth and with the intention of anesthetizing you, simply so that you don't wake up at night and let your parents sleep."

I personally put his book on childhood obesity on my list of upcoming readings.

Video: What is MONTIGNAC DIET? What does MOTIGNAC DIET mean? MONTIGNAC DIET meaning & explanation (July 2024).