Highlights in Babies and more: from February 2 to 8

Like every start of the week, we review the most outstanding contents in Babies and more during the last days.

As a preview of the coming Carnival, Eva has told us about a perfect complement to any costume: masks and masks that we can print and color.

In our special on Childbirth we have told in detail how a caesarean section is performed in the event of any complication in childbirth.

We have given the news that because of the crisis effect, Madrid people must say goodbye to the baby check as we knew it and a more surprising one: that of a girl with a problem still unknown that prevents her from gaining weight, causing that at 14 months weigh 3,180 kilos.

About artificial reproduction, Eva told us that according to a recent study, anxiety and depression would not affect the success of in vitro fertilization.

Regarding the precautions that parents should take, we gave some safety notices for houses with children to take into account, especially at the age at which they begin to crawl. Precisely for that stage we have suggested some games for the crawling baby.

For its part, on Friday we echoed the experts' warning about vitamin D deficiency in Spanish children and how to combat it.

In addition to these, we have addressed other interesting topics such as the importance of improving posture during pregnancy, what the Latin American Pediatric Association thinks about the relationship between colecho and sudden death and something that worries parents a lot: speech delay in the children.

This week we will bring you many more things to update you on everything that concerns pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, health and education of children