Can you lose weight during pregnancy when the future mother suffers from obesity?

A study by a specialist belonging to the University of Sant Louis, shows that future mothers who suffer from obesity can control their weight and even reduce it without harming the baby.

According to research conducted by specialist Raul Artal, future moms who maintained or reduced their weight during pregnancy were more likely to give birth to a baby with a normal weight than those who had gained weight during pregnancy.

Data were taken from 96 pregnant women who presented with obesity and gestational diabetes, two groups were formed, one consisting of 57 future moms who performed a normal feeding program, and another group with the remaining 39 carrying out a program in which the diet was involved and exercise The result showed that there was no risk, if the weight was maintained or reduced moderately, for the mother or the future baby and also, the baby was born with an appropriate weight and height.

The study is very curious, since most obstetricians recommend that pregnant women suffering from obesity, gain at least 6 kilos of weight. Remember that a future mom who is not overweight or obese should increase her weight an average of 12 kilos.

According to Raúl Artal, it is necessary to revise the guidelines and especially the information related to women who are overweight or obese, since a slight reduction in weight could even benefit the future baby.

Video: Is there a special diet that an obese mother should follow? (July 2024).