Beautiful photo report of a home birth

Whenever I see the images of a birth, I get deeply emotional, even since I was a mother. So if the fact of attending a birth we combine a careful aesthetic and beautiful music, the result is this beautiful photo report of a birth that puts a lump in the throat. I recommend you start the speakers and take a few minutes.

It's about the birth of a beautiful girl, Amerlyn Grace. They are beautiful images, in black and white, that show the moments before and after childbirth, together with the magical moment in which the baby sees the light in a large bathtub.

The contractions, the arrival of the midwife, the passing of the hours, the children, the family, the corners of the house at these important moments ... The fact that it is a home birth certainly favors the freedom of movement of the professional who took the photographs, Lyndsay Stradtner, as well as the familiarity, daily life and intimacy that the images give off.

Although if, as I have commented on another occasion, I would not like to have too many “spectators” during childbirth, let's not say a goal (or several) pending of me… Yes, in the hospital let's forget that they let in To a photographer to capture the moment.

But without any doubt the memory that would remain would be wonderful, especially if the birth experience is as good as it seems to be in these photographs, with such special moments. Like the couple's hugging you while pushing, a little brother cutting the baby's cord, everyone's happy faces once the baby has arrived, putting it on his chest ...

Despite the gestures of pain of the mother, the whole assembly shows an impressive tranquility and peace, thanks also to the music that accompanies the presentation that you can see. I imagine that the photographer would become quite “transparent” and act as a simple spectator, without intervening in the process, because otherwise, however well-known she is from the family, she would break that intimacy and those unique moments that she has been able to capture.

The photographer explains the sensations that came to attend and portray this birth. And how of all the works that capture special moments, photographing the arrival of a baby in this world is the most special.

I hope this beautiful report of a home birth You like it as much as I do. Surely the family keeps these beautiful photographs as gold on cloth, an indelible memory not only in their minds but also on paper.

Video: Becoming Mom: Voices from the birth center team at Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital (July 2024).