A white baby is born from a black mother

It seems unusual, it seems impossible, but it is not. It is simply a situation that occurs so rarely that, when it happens, it is news. And is that a couple has become known in recent days because being he white and she black, they have had a white baby.

The mother's name is Catherine Howarth and she was stunned after giving birth to her little Jonah, seeing that she was white. It is already known that mulatto babies tend to go whiter than they will be later, but in this case it is not that it is mulatto, it is that it is directly white. The probability of this happening is very low, since it is estimated to happen in one in every million births in which the parents are one white and the other black.

According to the Daily Mail, the mother said that the doctor "He looked at me and looked back at Jonah and then at me again. I couldn't believe it.", while his father explained that after a few hours, when his baby was already beginning to have a good color (he was born with a twist of a cord and at first they thought he was so white because of that) "Catherine and I realized that her complexion was very similar to mine; it was like light".

The reason that a baby is born of a different color than that of his mother is a recessive gene of the mother. As he says his parents were from Nigeria, blacks, and all his relatives have been. At some point in ancestry someone must have left a white gene which has been transmitted until it becomes visible now.

It is very rare, but it is not the first case. At first, when reading the news, I thought it was albino, as many blacks have albino "black" children. However Jonah is not, he is a white boy. He said that it is not the first case, because here in Babies and more we have already told you cases like those of the twins Kian and Remee, the little Leo and Ryan, born of a German and a Ghanaian or the case of a mulatto child and a White girl.

Jonah has not gone unnoticed and being news several model agencies have noticed him. Apparently his parents have signed contracts with five of the main agencies in the United Kingdom and have already participated in several photo sessions.

Photos | Daily Mail
In Babies and more | A couple of black parents have a white baby, could I have an albino baby?

Video: Dad and doctors are speechless after mom gives birth to a white blonde-haired baby (July 2024).