At Christmas, an invisible friend of crafts: fun, creative and cheap

The formula of the invisible friend is very widespread lately, but it is difficult to involve children because they cannot buy a gift. The solution for the party to be complete this Christmas is an invisible friend of crafts, a game in which kids will have fun before, during and after.

As you know, the mechanics of the invisible friend is to cut the pieces of paper with the name of all the participants, each one will take his own and that will be his friend, to whom he should give a gift. The difference in this case is that the gifts are going to be made by ourselves, big and small.

In our craft section you will find multiple ideas to make with the kids. They will love to make their own gift, and the most difficult thing will be to keep the "secret" of the friend who has touched you ... Here we leave you some outstanding ideas to an invisible friend of crafts:

If you find that you no longer have time to make a craft (although most are very simple) children can give a picture painted by them or a Christmas mandala. And yes, the elderly also have to participate making our gift ...

Finally, remember that you can also make the paper to wrap the gifts yourself. A great cheap and homemade gift!

You know, these holidays, on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Kings or any day that the family meets and that you want to make more special, you can plan an invisible crafts friend in advance: fun, creative and cheap.

Video: 27 EASY MAGIC TRICKS (July 2024).