Folding cardboard houses for kids

A good idea so that children do not have to do without their own playground even if there is little room at home are these toy folding cardboard houses.

My Space is a proposal by the designer Lisa Mairson who wanted to conceive a fully folding toy easy to assemble and disassemble for the children themselves. It only occupies space when it is deployed, while when it is not used it can be stored in a closet, behind the door or under a bed without major inconvenience.

It has been created for children between 3 and 6 years old, but it is not limited to walls and a ceiling, but is more versatile than conventional ones. It incorporates details that the child unfolds to meet a window, a bookcase, a table or a desk, thus increasing the interaction of the little ones.

These types of games are the most motivating for children that instead of giving them all done leave room for the imagination to fly.

In addition, My Space can be customized, painted, placed ornaments, toys ... In short, it is their own playground where the rules put them. The house is completely recyclable.

Video: Easy cubby idea: How to make a collapsible cardboard cubby (July 2024).