Feed the baby word of mouth (video)

A few days ago we talked about kissing children on the mouth, remember? As a result, a debate has arisen about the bacteria that can be passed to the baby, and on the subject I wanted to show you video of actress Alicia Silverstone feeding her eleven month old baby by word of mouth.

It has been published by the actress herself in her maternity blog The Kind Life explaining that it is the way to feed her baby, and that she and he both love it. The mother chews the food to turn it into a food bolus that goes into the baby's mouth in small amounts. The baby goes through the room to "attack" his mouth, he says.

It is believed that this has been the origin of what we know today as a kiss on the mouth, which has emerged as a food habit through which mothers passed the chewed food to their babies.

But of course, today there are blenders, there is no need to chew our children's food so they can digest it. And yet the trend goes in another direction.

Methods such as the baby-led weaning are aimed at the baby learning to eat in pieces since the introduction of solids in the complementary feeding begins, taking the food with his hand and taking it himself to the mouth. This helps to improve the child's relationship with food, in addition to developing natural skills, such as visomotor coordination and chewing.

Criticisms of the way feed the baby by word of mouth that the American actress practices have not delayed in coming to light. In addition to the fact that the child has to practice chewing on his own, the main criticism is that the bacteria present in an adult's saliva can transmit diseases that a baby of a few months cannot fight.

Of course, everyone is free to feed their child as they see fit, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, but do you think this way of feeding the baby is adequate?

Video: Word Of Mouth (July 2024).