The 12 reasons why aunts are an amazing company for their nephews

Do you remember when you were little what you liked to be visited by your uncles and aunts? Do you remember how much you liked to visit them? And it is that the aunts have something special because they are the age that a mother could be, but without the pressure of having to educate the children. Come on, that for children they are a real bargain and for us, parents, another adult with whom our children can interact and have fun.

There are some countries that have "Aunt's Day", but in Spain it is not celebrated, and apparently nobody pays much homage to them. That is why today, with this post, we are going to give them visibility, to thank them for being there, explaining the 12 reasons why aunts are an amazing company for their nephews, our children.

Because if they don't have children, they are the closest thing to an older sister

It can be mom's little sister, or dad's little sister. That makes them closer in age than we are to our children and have some complicity. If they don't have children they can sometimes behave like an older sister and that, for our children, is something very valuable. Who has never wanted to have an older sister?

In Babies and more The 12 reasons why uncles are also an amazing company for their nephews

Because if they have children, they enjoy the nephews without the pressure of educating them

Because they may also have their own children, but still they will always be willing to spend time with ours: "leave them to dinner," because where they eat their dinner, ours can also have dinner, and although everything will surely end as if there were there was an earthquake, they enjoy watching them all play together and feeling, even for a little while, the funniest aunts, because they don't have the pressure to educate them We do have parents.

Because they are like grandparents, but with the energy of a mother

Grandparents often say that "I raised you, I will spoil your son" because they want to finally be able to enjoy children without the pressure of having to tell them what is right or wrong at all times. They relax in that sense and take the opportunity to buy them things, pamper them and make themselves loved. Well, aunts are the same, but with the energy of a mother, or perhaps more, if they are younger or if they don't have children. And that means lots of partying!

Because they make the best cakes

Because they know how to do them, and if they don't know, they learn. The birthday day appears telling us not to make cake, which she does. And if not, the day they stay with the children they take the opportunity to teach them how to make kitchens, and so they spend the afternoon, "brewing" what they will then get between chest and back for the joy of our children, who then arrive without hunger for the Dinner but the sea of ​​happy explaining everything they have cooked and eaten.

Because sometimes they are the best confindentes

A writing says that aunts are unique because "they can love you like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, behave like a true friend and give you a colleja when necessary." Come on, they are special because they can understand your problems, because they have time and desire to listen to you and help you, because they have experience in life and because they have no problem telling you what they think. Come on, that many teenagers end up trusting their uncles and aunts very much, knowing that they will keep their secret and that they will not react as a father or mother can react.

Because they love to play

They love to play, and they also have time. Because we parents love it too, but we don't get the strength, or it doesn't give us life. They instead have time, desire, laugh, make their nephews laugh and make a normal afternoon end up being a memorable afternoon.

In Babies and more The bond between cousins, a relationship that we must feed from childhood

Because they buy the coolest clothes

That we are staying a little old-fashioned, or we borrow borrowed clothes, or we put the third one that we bought from the first one, years ago, and they always appear with a very cool t-shirt, or a rocker dress, or something that they themselves could wear. Or if they are a baby, with a body and bib like these that I found in Mam Shirts:

The children would go with them to the end of the world

For the relationship they create, trust. Because they listen to them, play with them, laugh, share time and activities, they, our children, end up worshiping them. Come on they would go to the end of the world with them, establishing a relationship of unparalleled love.

Never forget a gift

When it's the birthday, they always bring something cool. When it is Christmas, the Kings also pass by their house. They always think of our children, and they do it even in their own homes, adapting with some toy or something they have "just in case children come".

They make the best night parties

"If you want, I'll keep them tonight," they tell you on a Saturday. And although you fear that they fall asleep late, in the end you agree because you take it for granted that they will fall asleep late and have a pipe. A day is a day and aunts make the best night parties. Surely they will dine pizza, drink soda and ice cream dessert. Surely they will put on a movie after dinner. Surely then they will play in the beds, or they will throw some mattresses on the floor to sleep all together and surely their biggest secrets will be explained. How to deny something like that to your children? If they made a theme park with the aunts, they would close the Disney parks!

Because they are the most economical and dedicated babysitter you can find

If he can, he will always say yes, with a smile. And if he can't, he will do the impossible to stay with them. Ideal for an emergency and ideal for when children want to be with her, and vice versa. The reasons have just been given, but they also do all that without asking anything in return, and that makes them the best kangaroos.

Because they kiss a lot and scold little

In short, aunts are amazing because they love them, because they love being with them. They know it's for a while and that makes them get involved with all their attention. They know they are their nephews and nieces, and they love you very much. Come on, they are ideal because They kiss a lot and scold little.

Yes, okay, not all aunts are that magical, but there are many such and deserve to be praised for it and that, on behalf of all fathers and mothers receive a "Thank you for being as you are!" and a "Thank you for helping us so many with the children and for making them so happy by your side!"

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