The English supernnany was a dangerous superchery

"Bringing up Baby"(" Raising a baby ") was broadcast on the British public channel Channel 4. Without wanting to make a parallel, the program was very similar, saving the distances, to a very similar one that was all the rage in Spain.

The supposed nanny who starred in the English program proposed methods how not to take the baby in his arms, put him to sleep alone in another room or let him cry without attending to crying.

Many families sent complaints to the corresponding regulatory body, pointing out the cruelty of the treatment received by the babies and that the advice of the British Ministry of Health was contravened to prevent sudden death. The program was withdrawn and the chain had to admit that the nanny did not even have the right degree. We cannot know the damage that all this superchery will have done.

This makes me propose a reflection on the enormous caution with which parents should approach miraculous behavioral methods. The end does not justify the means in matters of parenting. It is advisable to look for alternatives before trusting those television "gurus" that propose to ignore the crying of children or the quick guides of media stars that may not be supported, no matter how much they say it, by scientific studies.

Video: Super Nanny The Minyon Family (July 2024).