Pregnant women can cry for pretty incredible things

Pregnancy causes many physical changes in women but also many changes in their way of being, all because of hormonal changes, which causes sudden mood swings, so-called mummies and sometimes crying and sadness for reasons that for others we they may seem quite incredible and sometimes even ridiculous (said with all the love).

The woman who became famous for crying

A few days ago a man with alias TechnicallyRon shared in Imgur a photo of a list with reasons why his wife had come to cry. He did not specify whether he was pregnant or not, but the list went viral and there are already more than 4.5 million people who have seen it.

In it he said that his wife had come to cry because:

  • She discovered that swans could be gay and thought it was something really pretty.
  • He was hangover and saw a picture of a little pig.
  • He waited for it to get dark and tried to be "The Babadook".
  • A bunny escaped from a fox in a documentary.
  • There were no cookies at home.
  • He recalled that swans could be gay.
  • He tried to hold her hand when she didn't expect it.
  • He made dinner after a long day.
  • He saw a video of a dog.

The strange reasons why pregnant women cry

Days later, on the Babyology website they shared a few reasons why some readers, during pregnancy, had come to cry. The truth is that many are quite incomprehensible, but seen with perspective is quite funny. Come on, much more than when they get very angry about pregnancy because of things that don't really matter.

The reasons they shared are the following:

  • Because I couldn't eat my broccoli.
  • Because I ordered a banana and when I started eating it, it tasted too much likeā€¦ banana.
  • After seeing a sweet old man sitting in a wheelchair enjoying ice cream.
  • Because my husband brought me a chocolate donut instead of a strawberry donut.
  • When I saw a boy fall off his motorcycle.
  • Because my cookies were burned in the oven.
  • After making my husband a ham and cheese sandwich, I cried because I dropped a knife.
  • When an older lady let me pass in front of the box because I only carried one or two items.
  • Because I could not sleep.
  • Because I was hungry, but I didn't know what I wanted to eat.
  • Because the McDonald's cold coke machine was out of order.
  • Because the vacuum fell off.
  • When McDonald's stopped making Crunchies Mcflurries.
  • When I sorted old receipts from my purse to throw away those that didn't work.

Why did you cry pregnant?

I think about Miriam's three pregnancies and the truth is that I don't remember her having too many mood swings, so I can't add personal anecdotes to this post, so I ask you, I'm sure you have a lot to say. Why did you cry in your pregnancy (and now it seems ridiculous)?

Photos | iStock
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Video: What happen to your baby when you cry from sadness During Pregnancy (July 2024).