Crawling is very important for the development of the baby: What happens if you walk without crawling?

After six months the advice to parents is quite clear: that they no longer put gyms of those in which toys hang and have things around them, on the floor, to stimulate that he himself turns and Try to get to what interests you. This is said precisely so that the baby begins to know the ground and start crawling and then crawl.

Crawl, because it has been seen to be very important for its development (Now we explain why). Now there are babies that do not crawl, who take their first steps without having done so. What is going on with them? How does it affect them?

Why is it interesting for a baby to crawl

Promoting a baby to have the opportunity to crawl is positive because crawling is a normal stage in development that serves to prepare for later stages. Crawling:

  • A baby must coordinate both cerebral hemispheres, the one in charge of the right side and the one in charge of the left.
  • A better vision develops.
  • It strengthens the axis of the hips and the axis of the shoulders, toning the muscles that will then help you stay upright and walk.
  • The sense of touch is used continuously, touching the floor, carpets and everything you find while doing it.
  • Learn to understand the three-dimensional world around you, knowing the distances, being aware of the force of gravity and improving the coordination of the hand-mouth gesture.
  • He dominates the ground better and is better able to know what to do when, when walking, he falls: he is more skilled at putting his hands to avoid the blow and is more skilled at the time of getting up.
  • Acquire autonomy before because he begins to make his first decisions when separating from his parents, approaching them, exploring areas he did not know, etc.
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What if he doesn't crawl?

The great question. Crawling is positive for the development of a baby. What happens if I don't crawl? Well, you lose all those things that we have commented and, consequently, you have to learn them later. By boat soon, the big difference is when it comes to mastering the ground on all fours: what does a baby do when he starts walking and falls. As we have already explained, the one who controls the ground a lot knows what to do, while the one who walks without crawling not so much. One is able to move or get up and the other costs more. In fact there are children who fall and do not move. They only cry waiting for someone to put them on their feet again.

But if it is the case with your baby, do not suffer: not crawling is not a sign of something happening. It is true that it is not the most common, but that does not mean that you have a neurological problem.

Is it possible that some babies do not crawl because of the parents?

If possible. I found myself in the consultation more than once with parents who do not put their children on the floor ... of course, if they are not on the floor it is impossible for them to crawl. At 9 months I ask them if he crawls and they answer me that since the ground is cold they don't put it, or that they put it on and can't stand anything, that they get angry and then pick it up again.

The ideal is put him on the floor and be with him, and if it can be, be for him. So you share space and time and do not feel abandoned in a medium where you still do not know how to function. Being with him, he will gradually test his movements and abilities and, if he has to crawl because he is interested, he will.

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On the other hand, there are babies who don't crawl because their parents encourage them to stand up much more. They promote that posture, both in a walker and taking him by the hands, and what they get is that the baby has all the motor interest in moving in that way and none in a way of moving in that they fix the attention on the ground, more than in the rest.

Come on, they are taught to walk when they are not able to do it, and then they do not walk because they are small, and they do not crawl because they want to walk ... and what ends up happening is that the baby remains seated and asks for the hands of his parents so that help him to reach other places, to which they respond with a sneer with that of "to see if you learn to walk now, that you have my back turned to dust", when the situation would probably have been very different if nobody had taught the baby to walk ahead of time That is why the advice is as follows: if you want me to crawl, don't put it on.

Photos | Myshelle Robinson, myllissa on Flickr
In Babies and more | The crawling of the baby: a great step for its autonomy, Small dictionary of crawling styles, does your child crawl in a safe environment?

Video: When Your Baby Wants to Skip Crawling and Go Straight to Walking (July 2024).