Smartbe, the first baby carriage that is driven from the mobile

It is clear that we are in the era of smartphones and gadgets and that childcare was not going to be left out of this boom. The last invention to come to light is Smartbe, the first buggy that we can handle from the mobile and that it has many functionalities to, in theory, make our lives easier.

This car, which will surely become the most desired by parents addicted to the latest technology, it drives from the smartphone or the smartwatch. Through it, you can give him orders to move in the same direction in which you do, to stop, to activate the music inside, to close and protect the baby or even to see him through of the camera that is incorporated inside.

At the moment it is a prototype but We can already see the video of what the stroller can do:

You still don't have an estimated date when you would start marketing. Though I personally like the design, I see few functionalities that I find useful (or at least attractive), except that of running without needing to carry it with my hands. I guess I'm 'old school', and I prefer normal contact with my baby, even to raise or lower the hood of his car.

Do you like the idea of ​​this 'smart car'?

Video: SmartBe, The self-propelling baby stroller with climate control & brakes! (July 2024).