Nine books aimed at small readers who will love to read their parents too

Yes, because we love to “recommend” them to do or not to do, to read about everything. We love to recommend titles for you to grow reading.

But ... why not bother us a bit in reading what they are supposed to read?

We bring you nine books aimed at preteens (from 9 years or so) that we, our own parents, should also read.

Surely some of them, if not all, you will have read them when you were teenagers but even if you have done it, it changes the perspective a lot when we are parents.

You are going to read them with other eyes, even if you think that it will not be so long, you will see.

And of course, those who have not read it will be a discovery to do so and a point in common to chat with your children, something that is always very positive for everyone.

We start!

"Momo" by Michael Ende

The story of this girl, her turtle and the gray men published in 1973 is a classic in our libraries. The story of growing up and dreaming, the story of what boredom is doing to us inside, the story of how time escapes or is stolen from us. Daring to dream is sometimes a provocation and the worst thing is that as we become adults, we forget.

If you do not have it at home it is always a perfect gift for a teenager or preteen who loves reading, you already know that at Amazon they leave it at home for only € 12'30

“The lesson of August” by R.J. Palace

August is about 10-11 years old and has suffered since Treacher Collins Syndrome was born. He has passed several times in the operating room for that reason but has never been to school until now. The coexistence, prejudices, friendship and learning that everyone gets from this experience is very enriching and not only for children, but also for adults.

A book that will often grab your throat and make your eyes fill with tears. You can buy it on Amazon for only € 6.99 in its version for e-reader.

"The Chronicles of the Tower" by Laura Gallego

Fantasy novels are not an exclusive field for teenagers and preteens. The fantastic genre knows no age among its readers and Laura Gallego is one of those authors who entangles the stories of her characters with great mastery.

There are institutes that have the first volume of this saga in their list of readings for ESO's first school year and the truth is not surprising. It seems a success.

In Amazon you have the first volume of “The Chronicles of the Tower. The valley of the wolves ”for € 12'83 in hardcover.

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exuperi

Little can be added to this book, to this story of a child, of his rose, of the fox that speaks to him at night in the desert.

Yes, we can read it to our children before bed, we can let them read it alone and we can even read it ourselves. It will not take long to do so, it is not too long and yet I doubt we can forget some of his passages if we read it with the eyes of mothers and fathers.

I doubt that you do not have a copy of this book at home but just in case, here you have the link to Amazon: // in case you want to buy it for only 8'83 € in cover soft

"The Heart of Jade" by Jordi Serra i Fabra

He is one of the most recognized authors of children's literature in our country, awarded and read by thousands of boys and girls for years and many parents who want to enjoy the same readings as our children.

The story takes us to a feudal Japan full of magic, the story of three brothers from the same family, their ways of understanding life and behaving according to their code of honor and respect, justice and generosity.

You can also find it on Amazon in paper and softcover format for € 14.19.

"The way" by Miguel Delibes

It was published in 1950 and was his third novel to come to light. In an environment that not all of our children know and with a freedom that is also alien to them, life develops completely different from what boys and girls now have, and yet feelings, emotions, conflicts are tremendously similar.

It is a reference work, we read it when we went to the institute and now why not reread it with them.

If you don't have the book at home, you find it on Amazon at € 12.26 in hardcover.

“The prince of the fog” by Carlos Ruíz Zafón

Before publishing his first super sales, "The Shadow of the Wind", Carlos Ruíz Zafón published three horror novels aimed at teenage audiences. A more or less lost town, a shadow, a somewhat strange statue, a suffocating atmosphere and a ship that will never sail but never stopped. For brave readers regardless of their age.

In Amazon you find it for a price not terrifying of € 18'92 in hardcover.

"Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling

There is nothing I can say about this saga that has not been said several times, it is recommended for all ages and all ages enjoy this reading full of fantasy and friendship in equal parts.

The story of the orphan magician entertains and educates and serves to think and to chat with our children. In addition, after reading the books we can always sit together to watch the movies and spend more than an afternoon of adventures and magic.

In case you do not have the last delivery at home, you can find it on Amazon at € 21.85.

"The Boy of the Stars" by Cris Pueyo

Written in the first person it is an intimate book perhaps for somewhat older children, for teenagers who begin to walk through the institute with their heavy backpacks loaded with insecurities, fears, curiosity and why not, sometimes prejudices too.

From those books that are growing thanks to the ear, that the readers themselves recommend, that they discover from the hand of a friend and that they feel as they take their hand, as if a friend were this “boy of the stars” .

You have it on Amazon also in kindle version for € 7'59.

Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (July 2024).