My son has broken a tooth, what do I do?

An age comes when they have no fear, explore and explore their surroundings without worrying about the dangers. So, sooner or later, a fall ensues and with it the pain, the crying ... and maybe something broken. What do I do if my child has a broken tooth?

If the blow has been in the mouth, it will probably be bulky and there will be blood, so the first thing we have to do is check the damage. It may be a cut on the lip, but the inside of the mouth, tongue or a tooth may be affected.

If the child has broken a milk tooth, the extent of the injury must be assessed. Is a large piece missing? Does the rest of the tooth move? If we answer yes to any of these questions, you have to go to the dentist.

This is because we want to verify that the root is not damaged, or if there is any way to intervene so that the mouth does not get worse. The dentist is the professional indicated for it.

Remember that, if possible, you have to locate the fragment or fragments that have come off, because in some cases they could be used by reengaging them to the tooth in the consultation (it has to be shortly after having fallen and keeping the piece of tooth submerged in physiological serum, for example). Although, if there are no other damages, this dental recomposition is usually done with the final teeth and not with those of milk.

Another immediate advice to dental trauma is that, as the child probably has pain, and if there is bleeding, it is advisable to wet a gauze with cold water and apply pressure on the affected area. If the child is older, he may be offered a small cube or an ice lolly to suck.

Keep in mind that any tooth breakage damages the surface layer of the enamel, so that the inside of the piece is more exposed. Then, the tooth could deteriorate rapidly. Therefore, extreme hygiene of the mouth, even when the fragment detached is small. In this case, too, a visit to the pediatric dentist would come in handy.

In addition, there is a risk of bloodshed in the pulp of the tooth, in this case even if there is no treatment, the damage should be assessed (the symptom would be the appearance of spots on the tooth, gray or blackish).

Another serious consequence of a rupture could be pulp necrosis, which is when a tooth "dies". In this case, due to an inflammation of the inner tissue of the tooth, adequate blood flow is prevented, so that the tissue begins to degrade and undergoes a necrosis. Insensitivity or pain are the consequences, together with the darkening of the tooth.

Complete teeth plucked after an accident

But there is a more worrying case for parents and it is if the tooth has come out completely after a blow. If it is a definitive tooth it is important that we locate the piece and without touching the root we submerge it in milk or physiological serum or try to reposition it in its socket or it is “stored” under the tongue or on the cheek, according to the dentistry protocols pediatric

It is essential that we go immediately to the dentist (or to the hospital where they also have dental services). Then it is possible for the tooth to be placed in its place by a reimplantation procedure.

If the fallen tooth is made of milk, then perhaps it is that the Little Mouse Perez was in a hurry ... You have to go to the dentist and monitor the evolution of the hole, that there is no displacement of teeth, take care of hygiene ... and wait for the final tooth to cover the hollow of that piece disappeared prematurely.

"If the broken tooth is of milk nothing happens"

We might think that if it's a broken milk tooth, that the child will change (maybe soon if he gets close to five years), nothing happens. Then, nothing would happen if you do not wash them ... But it does happen.

Poor oral hygiene can cause tooth decay and these pain and destruction of the teeth. A damaged piece may not cause pain at first (or be camouflaged by the general pain of the mouth), but it will be more sensitive to bacteria, more susceptible to decay and other oral infections, the root is likely to suffer some damage ...

So, you have to take care of those broken teeth and go to a dentist after the blow, if possible carrying the fragment detached. Because we do not want to hurt more than the trauma itself, or have difficulty eating ... or you have to go to the emergency room later for a problem not previously detected.

Video: Dentist says DO NOT CROWN YOUR TEETH! - Proves it with a Clinical example! (July 2024).