My three experiences with porting and baby carriers that I recommend

Today ends the International Week of Breeding in Arms, and as I did at the time sharing my three stories of breastfeeding on the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week, today I would like to share my three porting stories.

Discovering the porteo was a before and after for me, and it is certainly something that I recommend that no mother or father get lost. Carrying a newborn is a indescribable feelingDoing it with a baby who smiles and screams in excitement when the baby carrier sees you knotting is fascinating, and taking a older child is hilarious. Definitely, All stages bring something unique!

My first porting experience was disastrous

One of the first things I bought when my son was born eight years ago, was curiously a carrying backpack. I was very clear that I wanted to take it with me everywhere and I was dying to experience that feeling.

The first time I put my baby in the backpack he was two months old. I was excited but My son spent the entire walk crying. So much so that I finally ended up taking him out of his backpack and carrying him in his arms.

What happened? Why did he seem so uncomfortable? We try again several days later, weeks and even months. But the same pattern was always repeated: put him in the backpack, start crying and take him out in five minutes to carry him in his arms or in the cart.

When he was six months old, I put him in the backpack for the first time looking out. We went for a walk in the mountains and the cart was quite uncomfortable, so I hung up on my baby and although that was the first time he did not cry, the truth is that I ended up with such back pain I decided that the time had come to banish that baby carrier forever.

Two years later, I knew that the backpack he had bought with so much love was a "colgona" backpack, that is, not ergonomic. The posture that my baby had been forced to take when putting it in the backpack was not correct, I didn't respect his physiognomy and neither did my back.

At that time I began to know more about ergonomic porting and that it is not worth any baby carrier to properly carry a child.

Porting to relieve reflux

When my second daughter was born, my knowledge about porting was already quite broad and I had one Ergonomic backpack and elastic scarf.

My experience with the scarf was simply wonderful. I started using it as soon as the pain of my caesarean section disappeared and wherever I went, I always took my child like that. The warmth, tenderness and closeness that provides the fabric of the scarf is something wonderful and without a doubt, from my experience, I consider it the best baby carrier to carry a newborn.

In addition, I met the advantages of porting inside the house and to have my hands free to play and attend to my eldest son or even to work.

On the other hand, my little girl had a very pronounced reflux and it was our own pediatrician who recommended that I behave whenever I could to relieve her symptoms. The upright position that my baby took in the scarf and backpack, and the continuous skin-to-skin contactThey calmed her down and made her feel better.

For a long time I was alternating the carriage in scarf with the ergonomic backpack, and in its first summer I also incorporated the water bag, a wonderful invention that we allowed to enjoy the bath at the beach and the pool with security, closeness and many pampering.

Porting, a great help for a tri-mother

And if all of us who behave agree that the portage is a great help when it comes to freeing our hands so we can take care of other things, when you have three or more children, I think porting becomes an indispensable necessity.

My middle child and my third baby take only 17 months so I did not conceive of another way to go for a walk with my three children, who always carrying one of them.

I alternated the porting of my baby with that of my middle-aged daughter and added, in addition, the shoulder bag experience. As my girl grew older, the porting times focused exclusively on my little one, but as a result of starting school and always rushing to all places, I have discovered that carrying older children can also be done.

My daughter is now three and a half years old, and always goes to school in her backpack. I put it on my back to push the baby's cart, and while we sing, joke or tell stories, the road to school becomes more bearable and fun. In addition, I confess that I love to feel her close to my face, stroking my hair and giving me consquilleros kisses on the back of my neck.

The porting entered my life in an overwhelming way and although I could not live it with my oldest son, the two subsequent experiences that I have had have been and are being really wonderful.

To alleviate the symptoms of reflux, to bathe in the sea or to walk in the mountains, to work while I take my baby close to me or simply, as part of everyday life, ergonomic porting is something that I strongly recommend to all moms .

  • Silvia Díaz Pictures

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Video: Stokke MyCarrier. UNBOX, DEMO & REVIEW. 3 Position Baby Carrier (June 2024).