Summary of the week from February 16 to 22 in Peques and More

This week in Peques y Más, the blog dedicated to children between the ages of five and twelve, we have introduced you Internet resources to work with children reading, writing and finances. We have become a fan of cookie brands and have had fun in the living room watching quality children's cinema. We also laughed with a cake angry Birds Really fun and juicy.

BabyU is a facility to learn languages. It is an English-speaking site, although it also has Spanish content, especially designed for children between 1 and 5 years old. We present a site to learn finance for children, Gepeese, a place full of activities and games about finance.

We talk about the cookie brand Oreo that has overcome the challenge that had been marked on Facebook to get more than 45,000 “likes” in 24 hours from among friends, customers and fans. It is a historical record for a brand that has almost 17 million followers on the Social Network. We also introduce Skip and his catwalk against stains. A provocative initiative to strengthen the power of Detergent.

We have presented the proposal of ColaCao and its microphone to sing with We also reviewed the Readeo solidarity initiative to read more disadvantaged children remotely (only in the United States).

We laugh with the Angry Birds bakery dedicated to throw birds Against the little pigs. A father's initiative for his son's edible birthday and full of sweet.

At school and in education activities We have presented Escrilandia an application that allows the student to develop skills in learning the literacy. We also present some robot teachers that impress a little although it seems that they are designed to teach English in a very practical way.

We loved reviewing "The Incredibles" when they put it on television and we did a review of this familiar and spectacular Pixar movie. And for the most recent cinema we brought you the premiere on DVD and other media from Gru, my favorite villain.

We made a constructive criticism Towards the stores that do not package the gifts indicating that the final package is important for the children, but some family replied that they like to make their own packaging. It is what allows the Internet, that opinions flow freely and we all enrich ourselves for it.

And that is all that gave the week in Peques and More. We hope you go through our blog to discover what new features are presented daily for the elderly of the house until we meet again next week.

Video: Cinema of the Philippines. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).