Getting vaccinated against the flu and whooping cough during pregnancy is safe for the baby

A few weeks ago we commented that the Spanish Association of Pediatrics indicated the flu vaccine in pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy, as one of its recommendations for the 2017-2018 campaign. This is recommended because In addition to protecting the pregnant woman, the vaccine protects the baby during its first months of life.

However, although flu and pertussis vaccines are advised to protect the newborn, their long-term effect had not been analyzed. We share the results of a recent study, who found that they are safe.

The objective of the study was to analyze whether the fact that the mother received the flu and pertussis vaccine during pregnancy increased the risk of hospitalization or death during the first six months of the baby's life.

To analyze whether there was any relationship between them, the information of 413,034 babies born between 2004 and 2014 was examined, of which 25,222 were hospitalized and 157 died during their first six months of life. After carrying out the corresponding studies, it was found that there was no relationship between cases of hospitalization or death and vaccines during pregnancy.

This in addition to supporting the recommendations of professionals for pregnant women to attend vaccination, reaffirms to pregnant mothers that Receiving them represents no risk to your babies.

Dr. Lakshmi Sukumaran, who was one of the authors of the study, mentions to Reuters that this study was done mainly because many pregnant women presented doubts or concerns about what could happen to their babies when exposed to vaccines during pregnancy. "We wanted to reaffirm that these vaccines, which are recommended during pregnancy, do not pose any risk to the baby"he commented.

It's important to remember that both the flu and whooping cough, they are severe diseases that can be fatal for newborns and they cannot receive vaccinations for them until six months of age, and therefore, it is important that mothers receive them during pregnancy to protect them.

Video: Pregnant? Help Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough (July 2024).