The toy libraries provide their services to children

In our country we have about 400 toy libraries that provide services to thousands of children, these places provide an ideal space for children to have fun playing, to gather and to access games that can hardly be found in a house, either because of their size or the high cost of the game.

The toy libraries were born inspired by the concept of libraries, for this reason, toys are provided, especially to schools and to some needy families who cannot afford their children's toys. The toy libraries are linked to various educational projects but always through games, so the list of games they offer have been specially studied to develop in children various concepts such as sociability, intellect, etc. There are many cities where spaces for play are scarce and the playroom is a very suitable alternative that should be valued by parents. The game also has to be valued, as is physical exercise to prevent obesity, from time to time approaching the playroom in your region will provide several very positive aspects to your child.

Another service that the toy libraries provide and that we find attractive is the advice they offer parents about the games and toys most recommended for children. With the arrival of the dates that most excite the little ones, Santa Claus or the Magi, a playroom can be a resource to advise us on the most recommended toys.

In the link you can access a complete list of the toy libraries that exist in Spain.

Video: Stevenage Children's Centres - Toy Libraries (July 2024).