Would gay characters fit in Disney movies?

It's just a possibility unconfirmed but the reaction of some ultra-Catholics to the remote possibility that there is a couple of lesbian women in the next installment of "Frozen" has served as an excuse to launch a petition against in social networks.

Would gay characters fit in Disney movies?

One day, a group, a group of people, decides that it is a good time to claim visibility, to request a space, so that Children who have two mothers or two fathers or children who feel rejected by their sexual tendency, can see that for Disney they are as normal as everyone else.

One day a #GiveElsaAGirlfriend hashtag emerges something like “A girlfriend for Elsa” and it goes viral worldwide not only among the different LGTBI groups but among many of the regular users of social networks and many of the fathers and mothers who simply they go to the movies with their children to watch the movies of the Disney factory and sadly not only one day, the news of the events of Orlando bring it back to the topicality among thousands of people around the world.

Why this virality? Well, perhaps because it is a request with which Many behaviors that should already be normal in a modern, tolerant and democratic society would be normalized or that they have for it.

From there, the opposite response is not long in coming, although the impact is much less.

The ultra-Catholic organization “HazteOir” promoted at the beginning of May a collection of signatures so that in the second part of “Frozen” there was not a character with a couple of the same sex, since it was Elsa who had a girlfriend or talked, Sure.

In fact, this possibility from this platform is presented as "a Disney of gays and lesbians" something that escapes the possibility of a single character in a single film that is what the hashtag was considering.

Normalizing situations

And Disney seems that however it does bet more on normalization, integration and tolerance and opts tacitly to position itself more in the line of the LGTB collective to that in the film a lesbian couple can appear with all the normality and tolerance with which certain trends should already be treated in this century.

It's not so much about pressures as of normalize the situation of thousands of children worldwide on the big screen and also in our country who live happily with their two mothers or their two fathers.

What better way to support them than seeing that a great factory of dreams and magic such as Disney also has them in their stories.

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