My baby: smile and babble

Encouraged by my colleagues, I resume the task of telling you my experiences as a mother two months after delivery.

These first months have been (and remain) somewhat chaotic. The baby still does not understand schedules so my nights are a series of awakenings.

On the other hand, the major dies of jealousy.

But let's go to the most rewarding. Until recently, communication with my baby was established through spellbound looks, as well as breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact.

But a few days ago babble began in response to pampering, smiles and games.

It all started with the expected "ajó", to which every day he adds new sounds and twitter lengthening the vocalizations as if tuning his throat.

On the other hand, what started a while ago as a shy smile has turned into a smile after another with a full open mouth when I kiss her on the double chin or tickle her.

It is obvious to say that they are the most beautiful moments of the day. But what I like most is to see how he reserves the best smile of the day to give it to his older sister.

I am convinced that communication with the baby is essential for his emotional development, so since he was born and even since he was in the belly I speak to him as if he understood me, with intonation, gestures and everything.

I think that influences a lot, both in the mother-child relationship and in their future communication with the rest of the world around them.

Video: Autism Signs (July 2024).