Babies have a preference for certain foods even before birth

Now I explain why my daughter is fascinated with strawberries and cream. For the tons I ate when I was pregnant with her.

Australian scientists have come to confirm what I already assumed, that Babies develop preferences for certain flavors since they are in the womb.

And they do not speak only of the preference of most babies for the sweet flavors that are perceived through amniotic fluid, but also for other types of food.

Carrot juice was the product that the researchers used to do the study. A group of women were made to regularly drink the juice during the last trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding, at the time of weaning they could verify that these babies accepted carrot flavored cereals better than others.

In another study on the acceptance of fruit by babies, it was observed that the baby who at six months consumed fruit, at 18 continued to do so.

Joining both conclusions it can be deduced that mothers condition the nutritional tastes of our children from an early age and that these habits last over time.

Luckily, in pregnancy I craved for the fruit I consumed in considerable quantities. Coincidentally, today my girl loves them all.

The study shows that the preference for a healthy diet can be instilled even before birth. This implies a great responsibility for mothers, who have the power to positively or negatively influence our children's eating habits for the rest of their lives. You choose.

Video: What's the real cost of having a baby? (June 2024).