Aaguaa presents the revolutionary finger wakeskate

At one of the Nerf Championship venues we were seeing the skills of many kids with the skates or skates handled with fingers. The ability seems to be in applying the right force with the index and middle fingers and helping the skate to roll. When it is in the air, it is necessary to have the ability to direct and land it accurately and keep the skate rolling. What we could see on that occasion was on wheels, now it can be done also about water with which the possibilities for summer are endless combined with beach or pool.

So, Aaguaa presents his new toy fingerwakeskate. Created and patented worldwide by Carlos Parra, pioneer of the wakeskate in Spain and one of the best riders in the world. The wakeskate, is a sport in which you spend continuous periods of time waiting for your turn and in those dead times, is where he began to imagine a small table with which to try all the tricks in the water, which he would then try to do in reality. It is an innovative product, consisting of the ergonomics of a small water table, it has a special non-slip material on its upper part, this allows us to emulate the same tricks with the fingers, that of the best riders in the water.

To play you only need one water container, such as a bathtub or a sink, although in the summer the options are endless to play anywhere, and start working dozens of tricks of the world of surfing, wakeskateskate, snowskate, etc.

In this video you can see how the best artists and specialists in this ability to play with fingers are mounted. Surely the initial moments are difficult although with hard work and developing the sure ability that children can achieve success quickly.

Aaguaa has the world patent of this creation and hopes to market it throughout the continent. The price is 9.90 euros.