Advisors to choose the name of the baby

Finding the right name for our baby is not an easy matter, but there are many resources that help parents in that important decision.

Name books have practically fallen into disuse against more complex systems such as internet portals, which include extensive listings, meanings, statistics and even popularity rankings.

There are those who have even publicly asked for help to name our babies, but what is being the latest fashion in the United States is to consult a name advisor, an expert who performs an analysis and provides a specialized and impartial opinion.

They are generally professionals of the onomastics, but also publicists and experts in the creation of corporate brands, which are supposed to have certain criteria.

The personal service starts from half-hour sessions starting at 35 dollars (26 euros) to leave with a list of possible names, up to 500 dollars (370 euros) which can cost a much more complete study with numerological test included.

The consultation can also be done online, through very popular sites such as and Our Baby's Name (both in English).

The advice basically consists of three variants: a list of suggested names, an opinion on your favorite names or a personalized telephone consultation of up to half an hour. The services have prices ranging from 25 to 95 dollars (18 to 70 euros).

I have not found that this service still exists in Spanish, but it will not take long to arrive since it seems to be a fashion that will go further, according to experts, future parents increasingly show more concern to find the perfect name.

I know that with the family we have many “advisors”, but they are not usually the most objective, even if we ignore their opinion, it influences us. Would you turn to professional advisors to choose your baby's name?

Video: How To Choose Your Spiritual Advisor (July 2024).