The beautiful moment in which a judoka nurses her 2 and a half year old baby in full competition

Being a mother and sports professional is a difficult combination to make compatible, although of course, not impossible. These days we see in the Olympic Games many women and mothers who are at the top of their careers, with the great effort that this entails. Without going any further, a good example is that of the brand-new Olympic winner Maialen Chourraut, the first time a Spanish woman gets a gold after being a mother.

It could be, but this snapshot has not been taken at the Olympic Games, but a month ago in an Olympic-style competition in California, United States. Photographer Vanessa A Simmons captured this beautiful moment in which Jennifer Orey, the mother of two children, breastfeeds the youngest, two and a half years old, in full competition.

Jennifer was participating in the California State Games over the weekend and as she lives nearby, her two children (Sydney, 13 and AJ, two and a half) attended the event to support her mother. After competing, he won the second place, the silver medal, hugged his children and the youngest asked to take his mother's chest.

In the photo we can see him playing with the medal that hangs from his mother's neck while she breastfeeds him. A beautiful picture.

Breastfeed after a shot in the chest

In 2012, Jennifer was shot in the left chest in an incident in the backyard of her home while police were chasing a suspect. Because of this, he had to have surgery to repair the wounds of the bullet that entered his chest and exited through his biceps and wounded his little finger.

One of his concerns was whether he could breastfeed his baby from that chest. He tried to stimulate it with pumping, but unfortunately he could not do it and the baby fed only on the right breast. It was enough only one breast from birth until now, they are already two and a half years old and self-weaning is beginning.

Video: Hello Counselor - Lee Hyunwoo, Seo Yejin, Gan Miyoun, Hongbin & Jeong Eugene (July 2024).