Childhood myopia increases according to the prematurity of the baby

A study by the International Optometry Center (IOC) in which they say that how much the greater the degree of prematurity of the baby, the greater the myopia that can develop, reaching 20 diopters.

The study also shows that 75% of newborns are hypermetropics, 71% suffer from astigmatism and 20% of premature children have myopia. They also affirm that 90% of children with strabismus have not started to crawl, being a very important activity for their visual development, since it is the moment in which the baby focuses both eyes to the ground at a short distance, learning to Orient them to the same point.

The specialists assure that there is not enough social knowledge about the visual problems that babies can suffer and in many occasions the ophthalmological exams that the little ones need are omitted, this causes that they are not corrected in time and can degenerate with age. One of the techniques that vision professionals recommend is the use of contact lenses that adapt to the eyes of babies who have only a few weeks of life, ensure that it is a good method to reduce or stop myopia or correct some types of strabismus without causing any discomfort.

It is very important that babies go through all stages of motor development, from crawling, crawling and until they end up walking, since in addition to all the benefits it brings, it favors visual development.

Video: Myopia Awareness (July 2024).