Michelle Obama and multitaskers mothers

I do not know if in all countries the same thing happens, but in Spain TVs tell us in detail the American elections, despite being the primary of the Democratic Party.

That is why we can learn about aspects of the daily life of Michelle Obama, the wife of candidate Barack Obama, whom many analysts consider the engine of her husband's candidacy and the hook Election that connects you with African Americans and the working class.

She grew up as a lower-middle class girl in Chicago but managed to graduate in Sociology at Princeton University, one of the whitest and most exquisite in the United States. When she met her husband, she was a lawyer and he was a fellow. And he still earns more than he does as a senior manager in his state's hospital system.

And how does she succeed in being a successful and modern executive and mother of two little girls? Below you have an article about it in which it is defined as multitasker mother What are they: "Mothers who have children, work, go to the supermarket, do not neglect their parents and have time to buy clothes, keep fit, have lunch with their friends and go to the movies with them”.

Currently, she is increasingly dependent on her 70-year-old mother, to take care of her daughters and be able to spend three days a week campaigning with her husband. Although Eva told us recently that the super-super-grandmothers are over, it seems that some remain.

Mrs. Obama is proud to be a representative of these mothers and these are her words:

"I end up exhausted and surrendered every day and all I want is to put my daughters to bed, have a glass of wine and get into bed. My family comes first because if we cannot raise our children and give them a healthy life, how can citizens trust us to solve the world's problems? " "I am a normal mother like any other who is responsible for doing homework at night with her daughters and has to spend the weekend accompanying them to jazz lessons, swimming lessons and the mall to buy clothes. And work and do laundry and getting up at half past four in the morning every day to keep fit and prevent professional lunches or the bad diet of the campaign from accumulating in the buttocks or stomach "

And I thought I was tired sometimes! But I never got up so soon and less to do gymnastics.

All this is for us to see that the old superwomen have not disappeared but have become the current multitaskers. But there is something that I am clear about: rich women (with babysitters and domestic service) or "normal" women with close family or other help can be multitaskers. But poor women or without such aid, what they are is multi-slaves.

Other differences between multitaskers and multi-slaves may be that women do everything (work outside the home, inside and more) voluntarily or forced by the need, and the collaboration or not of the husband / partner.

Mrs. Obama does not want to be a first vase lady like Jackie Kennedy, or follow in the wake of Nacy Reagan or Hillary Clinton, but she does want to raise her voice and improve her country.

I wish you the best in elections and many forces to work hard for families, because the US has very high cesarean rates, chilling family violence rates, a health system that would be the shame of many European countries, the figure highest childhood obesity, and millions of mothers taking Prozac to continue dragging their multi-stressed lives.

It is proven that it is better to be a mother in Iceland than in many countries!

Video: Secret Deodorant. Happy Mom's Day All Strength, No Sweat Moms (July 2024).